
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Asher!

 Today my sweet baby Asher is 1! I can not believe it! I remember his birth day just like it was yesterday.  It's been such an amazing year. I am so blessed to be his mom!  I think we were inspired to name him Asher. Asher means happiness and he is one happy boy!  He brings us all so much joy and happiness each day. We love him like crazy!

 Mr. Asher man gave me a preview of what he'd be like before he was born. I felt him move early on in my pregnancy and later in my pregnancy I would feel him kick all the time!  Towards the end of my pregnancy he would kick me so hard it would hurt and I couldn't fall asleep at night.  I was worried he'd be hyper! lol But he is not. He is a calm and patient little guy but still loves to kick all the time. His first couple of months when we had him in our room instead of waking up crying because he wanted to nurse, he would just patiently kick until I woke up and got him. Sometimes when he is crawling around the house he will stop just to kick a little. It's so cute.

 He adores his older brother Levi.  They are best friends. It's so fun to see how much they love each other. (Although Levi picks on him sometimes.)  Levi loves to be with him and is sad when Asher isn't with him.

 I love this little guy to pieces.  He is certainly a mama's boy!  He wants me to hold him most of the time and now that he crawls he follows me everywhere.

 This year has been amazing watching him grow from a tiny newborn to a big 1 year old boy!  He has learned so much.  He loves to explore new things and he enjoys all foods. His favorite food is yogurt with fruit.

We are so grateful to have Asher in our little family.

Happy Birthday Asher!


  1. Oh he has gotten so big! Happy Birthday Asher. What a little cutie.

  2. Oh, wow! That went fast! Nice family photo. :)


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