
Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Favorite "Green" Monster Smoothie

 There are so many different variations of green smoothie recipes out there but this is my favorite recipe! I love all the different fruits in it. Because of that it doesn't actually look green. But I don't care what the color is as long as it tastes good and this is amazing!

As with all smoothie recipes you can basically do whatever you want when it comes to adding ingredients.  This recipe has strawberries, blueberries, a peach and a banana along with a handful of spinach. Don't worry about the spinach changing the taste. I didn't notice it at all. I love to whip this up in the morning and both my boys love to have it with me. I love that!

This picture makes me laugh because our blender is basically junk and doesn't work. So I had to take it out and use my food processor instead. One day we'll have a blender that works...

My Favorite "Green" Monster Smoothie
Slightly adapted from Sing for your Supper

1 banana, roughly chopped, fresh or frozen
4 or 5 strawberries, fresh or frozen
½ cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
1 peach, peeled and roughly chopped, fresh or frozen
1 heaping cup (or more) fresh spinach leaves, thoroughly rinsed
¼ cup Greek yogurt (or vanilla or plain yogurt)
2 teaspoons honey
½ cup ice

Place all ingredients in a blender (or food processor) and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always looking for new flavor combinations for smoothies, and this one sounds awesome! I'd love to have you come and link up at Taste and Tell Thursdays!


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